On Monday, speaking from Chile, Cardinal Tarciso Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State - basically, the Pope's prime minister, said that psychiatrists and sociologists have proved that pedophilia is not related to celibacy, rather to homosexuality.
After the immediate and not surprising reaction of various GLBT associations, even the French Government has officially defined his declaration unacceptable. Trying to make things look slightly better, today the Holy See spokesperson declared that Bertone was referring to the specific issue of pedophilia cases inside the Church.
Provided that I obviously don't believe gays are horny pigs more likely to be pedophiles than straights, and that I am not sure wether allowing the catholic priests to marry would actually solve the problem, what I really don't get is how the psychiatrists and sociologists the guy was mentioning have denied any relation between pedophilia and celibacy, since the specimens studied should all be consecrated "with undivided heart to the Lord".
How about giving a frank thought, for once, to the fact that the vocation-seminary-ministerial practice cycle, as a system, is producing a disproportionate amount of criminals? How about a mea culpa?
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